“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.”
― Heraclitus
Business leaders are warriors, warriors who bring others back, who inspire fighters and who set the rules for others. There is a lot of responsibility on leaders to deliver on their promises, to make the optimal decisions, to ensure that the others are well taken care of.

Gina Taylor, the founder of Harmony Still Water Advisers (HSW Advisers), strongly believes that there is a time when every business leader, no matter how accomplished, needs a warrior on their side, that takes responsibility alongside them to bring others back, a professional with deep knowledge and skills in business and investments and the desire and ability to make connections across disciplines.
HSW Advisers develops customized solutions to help companies grow both organically and inorganically through the founder’s extensive professional and educational experience and passion for businesses and tech, for understanding what makes them tick and how to help businesses achieve high growth.
A business is a living being, no two businesses are the same, no two situations in which a business may be in are the same and that there is great value in looking at every company individually and not merely transposing solutions from one company to another – since a solution that gives outstanding results for one company may backfire for another company, even if it is in the same industry, operates in the same region and has a similar size.
Gina is a University of Oxford educated strategy and management consultant with demonstrated experience in tech, energy and financial services, with skills and competencies involving strategy, financial/economic modelling, market/industry analysis, and investment advisory, amongst others.
Gina has around 10 years of work experience in London and Bucharest, as a minority investor on behalf of a global institutional investor in European tech, late-stage venture capital, as a strategy consultant, management consultant and economist with PwC in Advisory – Deals – Valuations & Economics, focusing on providing advice to businesses in various stages and for various goals – i.e. growth, seeking fundraising, transaction support, business plan support, financial modelling – for clients in energy, financial services and tech, and as an accountant, namely in primary accounting for Small and Medium Enterprises.
Gina is a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) graduate from the University of Oxford, holds a Master’s degree in Management and International Marketing from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and two Bachelor’s degrees in Business Management from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and in Computer Science from Bucharest University.